In the Land of the Rising Sun!

Feels great to be in this country with such a rich cultural heritage – Japan, the land of the rising sun as it is rightly called! Reached here today morning with the arrival at Narita International Airport, Tokyo city. With a short rest at the hotel, I was up and ready for the upcoming hectic schedule with Lunch at 1200 hours followed by meetings with Japan Tourism Agency and Japan National Tourism Organization at 2 pm and Creative Industry Bureau of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry at 4 pm.
Later today, have a study tour at Roppongi Hills to understand the redevelopment of this particular area and attend a reception and seminar at Roppongi Hills Club. Seems really an interesting itinerary before I end the day, retiring at the hotel; just to begin the day tomorrow with a study tour at TEPIA Museum – where I would get to learn about the Japanese high technology.
Back in my country and an insight about the weekend – lazed in the morning and cooked up Thai Curry and Rice for lunch. Then, had some meetings lined up between 4 pm to 7 pm at Club Millennium. And as I returned back home, was welcomed by Alyona’s parents who had come over to spend the weekend. So, prepared both veg and non-veg Pasta for dinner and checked out the movie ‘The Contractor’.
Sunday morning was back at the office, the FoodFood office, where there was a small havan kept, before they moved onto a new floor. Discussions about the Maha Challenge event also took place there. While we discussed things at the office, Alyona’s mom had prepared a great lunch at home – aamras, puri, chapatti, kadhi, aloo ki subzi and green beans. So, got back to home for the awesome and delicious lunch with my wife’s sister, Jyotsna and her son, Manit. Post lunch, played and got entertained by the little one, before I got ready to catch my flight to Japan later that evening!
And as I’m away from India, here’s some more Oriental delicacies to choose from…

Till I write again.
Sanjeev Kapoor

Celebrations today

It’s a nice exciting day lying ahead. Birthdays are like that only – as Alyona and Chef Harpal celebrate their birthdays- and there is an air of bonhomie in the office. Later in the evening we are throwing a party to celebrate the success of Foodfood. Coming to that, the success of Foodfood, there was an interview in The Guardian UK. I am giving the link here in case you want to review it.
I take a few lines from the interview here: of 120 million households with cable or satellite in India, more than half are Hindi speaking (rather than English speaking), and Foodfood channel is being watched by around 12 percent – around 8 million homes.
It is only when you evaluate the data and see results for yourself that you realize where you stand. It is easy in life to assume things and then take spin offs on that but when facts stare at you from paper it is time to shape up. I have never feared evaluations and firmly believe good ones are bound to turn up just as the disappointing ones. The first we celebrate and from the other take heart, tighten up the belts and work at improving the figures.
In any case, food and all things about it bring happiness and nothing else. When we face the downs, remember the exorbitant onion prices of this Jan, we create food for the family without them and when we celebrate it is also about food and good company! Sharing some Foodfood recipes here.

Till I write again.
Sanjeev Kapoor

My kitchen is busy!

My weekend was brief but had a lovely dinner with Alyona on Saturday night at the launch of good friend Jiggs Kalra’s Punjab Grill in my neighborhood.
Shooting for three days for Sanjeev Kapoor’s Kitchen food shows for my channel FoodFood….a break of one day and then we shoot for something we have brainstormed and put up: a new concept which will cater fun menus for different meals! As it is the most common question that one has in mind is ‘what should we cook today?’ but once it is decided then the actual cooking does not take time at all! So my new show will not only solve the issues of what to make but also guide you on How to make all the delicious foods!
As I am a little pressed for time, I will pen off now but not before sharing a few of favourites for this week : brinjals are in season, shiny and vibrant, cauliflower is at its best, snowy white and buttery, and also let’s celebrate the fact that onion prices are reasonably down!
Get the kadais and knives and let’s make your kitchen busy too!

Till I write again
Sanjeev Kapoor.